Standard Building Sub-Contract Agreement

Standard Building Sub-Contract Agreement for use in Scotland (SBCSub/A/Scot 2016)


  • for use where the main contract is the Standard Building Contract (with quantities, without quantities or with approximate quantities); and
  • for sub-contract works where the Sub-Contractor is not required to design.

Can be used:

  • where the sub-contract works and/or main contract works are to be carried out in sections; 
  • for sub-contract works that are to be carried out on the basis of an adjusted sub-contract sum (adjustment for variations etc.) or by complete remeasurement.

Not suitable:

  • where the Sub-Contractor is to design any part of the sub-contract works, even though the other criteria are met – consider using the Standard Building Sub-Contract with sub-contractor’s design (SBCSub/D/A/Scot and SBCSub/D/C/Scot).


Amendment and Errata Sheets

Amendment Sheet February 2018

Errata Sheet April 2020


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Standard Building Sub-Contract Agreement

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