Scottish Government Consultations
1 August 2023
Building Warrant Fees: consultation
This consultation seeks to obtain the views on proposed increases to the building warrant fees. The increase in fees will be used to facilitate the strengthening and improvement of service delivery within the building standards system, and the development of a new building warrant fees model in Scotland.
The consultation will gather views and opinions from a range of stakeholders, construction sector organisations and businesses, and the general public, and closes on 24 October 2023.
Mandatory Training on Planning for Elected Members: consultation
The Scottish Government have published a consultation on mandatory training on planning for elected members. This was part of a package of measures included in the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 to improve the performance of the planning system as a whole.
The consultation will run until 26 October 2023, and sets out how the mandatory training could be implemented, seeking views on training requirements, content, delivery and monitoring of the training.